
How to triple* Google search traffic with one wording change
A mini case study on improving SEO on

How to publish a Python package with GitHub Actions using Poetry
Use PyPI trusted publishing with GitHub and Poetry to publish your Python package like it's 2024

How to write user stories that actually get done
User stories that actually get done are small, explicit, and new. Read on for advice for how to write actionable user stories with rules of thumb and examples.

AWS documentation frustrations
AWS has a ton of documentation, and sometimes it misses the mark. Read on for a break-down of two AWS documentation breakdowns and what I learned therefrom.

Use Vue in a static site with Web Component custom elements
Learn how to use Vue to create Web Component custom elements that are easy to drop into your static site

SEO-driven feature development: a success story
How I used SEO data to build a new feature for my side project, climb in Google's search rankings, and increase traffic

How to use DynamoDB with Python type hints
Power up your Python DynamoDB project by adding types using user-defined type guards and TypedDicts.

Lessons learned from a small side project
What I learned building and SEOptimizing

Unit test DynamoDB in Python with pytest and dynalite
It's easy to unit test DynamoDB logic in Python on your local machine using pytest and dynalite. Read on to find out how!

Use TypeScript to Synchronize Django REST Framework and Vue.js: Part 2
See how to use Django REST Framework metadata to generate a fully typed form in Vue.js.

Preparing a Gourmet Pull Request
A pull request isn't just code, much like a meal isn't just ingredients. Your pull request provides tasting notes to your reviewers...

How to Write Responsive HTML Tables (for Markdown Sites)
Learn how to make HTML tables more responsive in Markdown-generated static sites by shrinking the number of columns, or smushing columns together, wrapping column content across lines, or shrinkwrapping the table in a scrolling div.

Run New and Failing Tests on File Change with Pytest
See how to pair Pytest and pytest-watch to run failing unit tests and new tests automatically on file changes without running the whole test suite.

Improve Page Speed when Using Google Fonts
Google Fonts are a convenient way to personalize a website's look, but they slow down page loads. Learn how to use Google Fonts without sacrifing too much in page speed.

Pipenv and Poetry: Benchmarks & Ergonomics II
Pipenv and Poetry are next-generation Python dependency management tools, but only one is actively released. See how they compare in late 2019.

Use TypeScript to Synchronize Django REST Framework and Vue.js: Part I
By extending Django REST Framework's default metadata class, we can unlock useful information about your API models and export that data into a client-friendly JSON format.

Create and Publish a Python Package with Poetry
Poetry, a next-generation Python packaging tool, makes it easy to create and publish a Python package.

Integrate Django and Vue.js
With a small amount of configuration, Django and Vue.js can play together nicely during development and when you're ready to go live.

Human-Readable Python Regular Expressions
Regular expressions are ugly, complex, dense, and illegible---but they don't have to be. These Python classes can help compose human-readable regex patterns.

Pipenv and Poetry: Benchmarks & Ergonomics
Pipenv and Poetry are next-generation Python dependency management tools. This post benchmarks each tool's dependency management commands and compares their ergonomics.

Build and Deploy a Static Site with Dokku
How to set up a modern static site deployment strategy using Dokku and multiple buildpacks.

Rebuilding My Blog with Pelican
How I rebuilt my blog using Pelican and improved page load times.

Writing Unit Tests for Celery Tasks with async Functions
How to write and test Celery tasks that use asynchronous Python functions.

A Modern Django Admin Using Wagtail
How to use Wagtail to create a client-friendly Django admin interface.

Writing a Vue.js App in Python
Using Transcrypt, you can write a Vue.js app in Python instead of JavaScript.

Writing reusable ModelForm templates with Django
How to write a single Django template for every CreateView and UpdateView in your project.

A Responsive Blog Layout Using CSS Grid
CSS Grid can help you build a simple, responsive blog layout with joyfully little CSS.